Howard Community College


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11 Writing and Grammar 5B Advanced students, don't miss this chance to im- prove academic writing skills. If you are planning to attend a college or university in the U.S. or take the TOEFL, this class will help you develop the writing skills to be successful. Focus on organiza - tion, editing, and developing well-written essays and address ESL problems with vocabulary, spell- ing, and grammar. $280. Mon, Wed 9:20am-11:30am Jan 29-May 6 Vocabulary and Spelling 5 & 6 Can you easily and accurately use words from the Academic Word List (AWL)in your writing and speaking? In this class, students will briefly review the spelling rules associated with difficult phonemes in AWL words, before moving on to learning about how syllables affect how we spell and say academic vocabulary, spelling suffixes correctly to expand personal word banks and im - proving listening comprehension and pronuncia- tion. $290. Course#YE-808. Mon, Wed 9:20am-11:30am Jan 29-May 6 Grammar 5B Learn the grammar rules appropriate for this level and practice them in writing and speaking! $280. Course#YE-817. Tue, u 9:20am-11:30am Jan 30-May 7 Advanced TOEFL Preparation (Level 6) is course is designed to help students develop the advanced grammar, reading, writing, listen- ing, and speaking skills required on the iBT ver- sion of the TOEFL. Work with lab soware and online programs. $300. Course#YE-908. Mon, Wed 12:30pm-2:35pm Jan 29-May 6 Tue, u 7pm-9:15pm Feb 4-May 7 English for Citizenship (Level 3+) See course description on page 8. Free tuition; material fees collected during registration. Sat 9:30am-12pm Feb 22-May 2 ere are more Level 5 & 6 classes in the "Professional English" and "Online" sections on pages ??-??. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH CERTIFICATE ESL CLASSES Earn a Professional English certificate by completing at least three professional English classes within 18 months. Build your written and oral communication competencies while gaining valuable knowledge and skills to suc - ceed in the workplace. Note that these are Continuing Education noncredit certificates. Advanced Pronunciation Training *Professional English Certificate* (Level 5+) Reduce your foreign accent and learn to pro- nounce English in a way that will make others understand you better! You will receive classroom instruction using the newest approaches and laboratory programs. On two class days, special individual sessions will be held instead of the regular class. During these sessions, you will work with trained pronunciation professionals who will help build your speech profile and give you specific errors to eliminate. is is a perfect class for business professionals, academic instructors, or students wishing to improve speaking for busi - ness or academic purposes. $350. Course#YE-813. Mon, Wed 7pm-9:15pm Feb 3-April 22 English for Business Communication *Professional English Certificate* (Level 5+) is course is designed to improve the English skills of the business professional or someone interested in business pursuits. Written and oral communication practice will focus around these topics: cultural diversity, socializing, using the telephone, negotiating, making presentations, in - terviewing, recruiting, and participating in meet- ings. $290. Course#YE-811. Mon, Wed 7pm-9:15pm Feb 3-Apr 22 There are more Level 5 & 6 classes in the "Professional English" and "Online" sections on pages 11-12.

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