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Conversation 3B Learn to use correct spoken English in everyday conversations and develop confidence while you practice speaking in an active, fun environment. Improve your pronunciation and expand vocabu- lary daily by learning and using new words and expressions. You will practice new vocabulary through repetition, group and pair work, and pro- nunciation exercises. $200. Course#YE-614. Fri 9:30am-12:15pm Feb 14-May 8 Speaking for Success 3B *NEW* Improve your speaking in a fun, active environ- ment. You will build confidence and fluency by practicing speaking with clear pronunciation and a variety of grammar structures and vocabulary words. is is a very interactive class that includes lots of pair and group work as well as feedback from your teacher. $260. Course#YE-626. Mon, Wed 7pm-9pm Feb 10-May 6 Interactive Speaking 3B is class is designed to get you talking and using correct spoken English! is is a fast-moving class with lots of conversation, pronunciation practice, and use of new vocabulary. Learn through repeti- tion, dialogues, and skits. Individualized feedback from audio- and video- taping included. $260. Course#YE-666. Mon, Wed 12:30pm-2:35pm Jan 29-May 6 Tue, u 12:30pm-2:40pm Jan 30-May 7 Pronunciation Improvement 3 Improve English pronunciation skills in this popular course. Focus on stress, intonation, and vowel/consonant sounds. Also learn how to pro- nounce and spell new words. Videotape yourself and get helpful feedback from your teacher. $260. Course#YE-641. Tue, u 9:20am-11:30am Jan 30-May 7 Vocabulary and Spelling 3 & 4 Expand your vocabulary and improve your spell- ing in this dynamic, interactive class. You will learn some of the 3000 most important words in English as well as spelling rules, including vowel sounds, tricky consonant sounds, syllables, pre - fixes, and suffixes. Improve your writing, expand your vocabulary, increase the accuracy of your listening comprehension and develop your pro- nunciation in this class. $280. Course#YE-622. Mon, Wed 9:20am-11:30am Jan 29-May 6 Reading and Vocabulary 3B Read interesting short stories and books to improve reading, speaking, and writing skills while learning new vocabulary! Activities will include lots of discussion and interaction. $260. Course#YE-685. Mon, Wed 12:30pm-2:35pm Jan 29-May 6 Writing Basics 3B Improve sentence and paragraph writing skills. Address common mistakes in grammar, vocabu- lary, and spelling. is class is perfect for students who want to develop writing skills for personal use, employment, or academic programs (GED or college study). Free tuition; material fees collected during registration. Mon, Wed 6:45pm-9pm Jan 29-May 6 Tue, u 7:30pm-9:45pm Jan 30-May 7 Writing and Grammar 3B Develop sentence and paragraph writing skills in this intensive class. Also learn about specific ESL problems with vocabulary, spelling, and gram- mar, and discover how to avoid and correct these errors. $260. Mon, Wed 9:20am-11:30am Jan 29-May 6 Tue, u 12:30pm-2:40pm Jan 30-May 7 Grammar 3B Learn grammar rules and practice them in speak- ing and writing in this course. is is not just a class for memorizing rules! Excellent practice to improve the grammar you use every day. $260. Course#YE-683. Tue, u 9:20am-11:30am Jan 30-May 7 Computer Skills for Academic Success *NEW* When you're studying in a language that isn't your first, completing assignments can take more time. Learn to use the computers in a way that makes assignments easier, not harder. Students will be surveyed the first week of class to deter - mine what topics will be most helpful to them, then a new topic will be covered each week with a lot of time to practice. Topics may include typing, keyboard shortcuts, formatting Word documents, creating Power Point presentations, and tools for studying. $210. Course#YE-625. Wed 3pm-4:30pm Feb 5-May 6 7

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