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Page 14 of 55 443-518-1700 Summer 2018 13 Ready to Work Series e following courses are recommended for individuals entering the workforce for the first time, returning aer a long absence, or starting a new career. Get a thorough introduction to Microso® Office applications used in most businesses. is career-oriented series consists of the following classes: • Working with Windows (XA-703) • Microso® Word in a Day (XA-782) • Microso® Excel in a Day (XA-784) • PowerPoint Presentations (XA-786) • Email Basics and Outlook (XA-443) 3.0 CEUs. $600 (includes $400 in fees*) Mon-Fri Jul 9-Aug 31 XA-739 8400 #0076 Please call 443-518-4680 aer registering to confirm your class schedule. COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course offerings in computers and IT reflect the fast-paced changes in the world of technology and a diversity of workforce training needs. We offer basic computer courses, advanced courses, and certification prep on topics including project management, networking, and cybersecurity. Computer Basics Managing Your Files and Folders Do you have trouble finding files on your PC? Are all of your files located in one folder, the "My Documents" folder? Create and organize folders for specific projects and prac- tice moving and copying files from one folder to another. Discover file manipulation techniques such as renaming, deleting, and restoring deleted files. Helpful hints will be included such as creating icons on your desktop to allow quick access to your favorite applications. .3 CEUs. $80 (includes $70 in fees*) Thu 9am-12pm, Aug 2 XA-773 8425 #0139 Gateway Campus Lab C Working With Windows Microso Windows 10 is a powerful operating system and has many enhancements over previous versions. Explore Windows using the helpful features and see how you can increase your productivity. .6 CEUs. $125 (includes $85 in fees*) Mon 9am-4pm, Jun 4 XA-703 8305 #9023 Gateway Campus Lab A Tue 9am-4pm, Jul 10 XA-703 8418 #0133 Gateway Campus Lab C Mon 9am-4pm, Jul 30 XA-703 8419 #0134 Gateway Campus Lab C Email Basics and Outlook Learn how to send and receive email including how to handle attachments. Work with the address book, calendar, inbox and more. Prerequisite: Working with Windows or equivalent experience. .6 CEUs. $135 (includes $80 in fees*) Fri 9am-4pm, Aug 3 XA-443 8409 #0086 Gateway Campus Lab B Microsoft ® Outlook Level 2 Get organized. Learn to use the advanced features of Outlook for better communication and increased productivity. Cus- tomize Outlook menus, toolbars, and messages; coordinate electronic scheduling; save and archive mail; and share contact and task information and other Outlook data. .6 CEUs. $135 (includes $80 in fees*) Fri 9am-4pm, Aug 17 XA-734 8410 #0087 Gateway Campus Lab B Understanding the Cloud Learn about the cloud and how it works. Aer you register, please create an online account at ardcc. is is where you will access the course. For more information, please call 443-518-4680. $130 (includes $90 in fees*) Jun 13-Jul 20 XO-349 4149 #9073 Online Jul 18-Aug 24 XO-349 4294 #0023 Online Aug 15-Sep 21 XO-349 4295 #0024 Online Office Applications Microsoft ® Word in a Day Learn to create, edit, modify, and format documents; cre- ate tables and lists; and incorporate graphics. Prerequisite: Microso Windows. Six hrs. .6 CEUs. $130 (includes $80 in fees*) Fri 9am-4pm, Jun 8 XA-782 8308 #9026 Gateway Campus Lab C Fri 9am-4pm, Jul 20 XA-782 8420 #0135 Gateway Campus Lab B Wed 9am-4pm, Aug 8 XA-782 8421 #0136 Gateway Campus Lab B Microsoft ® Word Level 2 Learn to add graphics and manipulate text, fonts, and styles to enhance the layout of any project. Templates, mail merge, and macros are also covered in this course. Prerequisite: Microso Word Level 1. 12 hrs. 1.2 CEUs. $215 (includes $120 in fees*) Wed,Fri 9am-4pm, Jun 13-Jun 15 XA-870 8309 #9027 Gateway Campus Lab C Microsoft ® Word Level 2 in a Day In just a day, work with advanced tables, add graphics, and manipulate text and styles to enhance the design and layout of any project. Mail merge is not covered in this class. Pre- requisite: Microso Word in a Day. 6 hours. .6 CEUs. $130 (includes $80 in fees*) Wed 9am-4pm, Aug 1 XA-783 8422 #0137 Gateway Campus Lab B

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